
a Family History

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

From the July 28th (or 29th?) 1900 issue of the Burlington Standard Democrat  newspaper:
Drowned Last Saturday
Child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mather Meets a Sad Death
      A sad drowning accident took place in this city last Saturday afternoon. Charles Mather, residing near the electric light station had been washing his buggy on the bridge across the electric light race. His children were playing about him, and when he finished washing, placed them in the buggy and gave them a ride to the barn.  At the barn he took them out of the buggy and setaed his two-year-old son, Forest, in a chair. Mr. Mather attended to some other work, and when two or three minutes later he looked around for Forest he found the boy had gone. Mr. Mather immediately went to look for him and called to his wife whether she had seen anything of him. They looked along the race but at first did not see the boy. A few minutes later they see the boy come to the surface of the race near the bridge. Mr. Mather jumped in and pulled him out. He had evidently come to the surface for the third time. He breathed for the last time as Mr. Mather pulled him out, and all efforts made to bring life back proved useless. The grief of the parents over the sad fate of their little one is great. They have the sympathy of all our people in their bereavement.
        The funeral took place from the house at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, Rev. Williams of the M.E. Church conducting the services.
Below is a sad article from the newspaper 'Burlington Standard Democrat' on July 28th or 29th of 1900.  Below the article I will type what it says , because it is kind of hard to read.
 On January 8, 1895  Minnie married Charles Mather.
               They divorced 25 years later in 1920.
Above: Minnie (ne'e Stier) Mather
                       Age 65
      Above: Wilhelmina Stier Age 18
The above photograph are the daughters of Carl Christian and Auguste ne'e Bucholz (with a daughter from Carl's second marriage in middle of front row).  Wilhelmina is on the far right of the back row.
                                  Wilhelmina Stier
                    Wilhelmina was born on May 6, 1867 to parents Carl Christian Stier and Auguste D.E. Bucholz.