
a Family History

1869    October 7:   Carl and Auguste have their fifth child- a boy they name Rudolph. 

Some time between 1860 and 1870 the entire Stier family moved from the Town of Rochester in Racine County to the Town of Norway in Racine County. At some point, prior to 1887, the Stier's owned an eighty acre farm on the very southern line of the Town of Norway in Racine county in section 32. 
To see an 1887 plat of the farm click here. This farm would stay in the Stier family until 1919-for over thirty years.

1870       :  To see our family represented on the 1870 census, click here

1872  February 12:  Carl and Auguste have their sixth child- a boy they name Henry.

​1872   Feb 20:  Fred J.C. Albrecht is born in the Town of Norway in Racine County to                                       parents Frederick (George) and Henriette (ne'e Stier) Albrecht.

1872    April 13:  Henry Stier is baptised by Reverend E. Multanowski. Henry's "sponsors" were Mr. and Mrs. John Bucholz, Carl Bucholz, and Frederick Albrecht.

​1873     April 12:  Charley and Auguste have their seventh child- a daughter they name Mary.  Mary would eventually marry Charles E. Smith. 
For more information about Mary and pictures of her, click here.
1868   November 2:   Charles (Carl) and his father Henry (Heinrich) become naturalized American citizens on this date! They had to  "...renounce Fredrick Francis Duke of Mecklenburg..." to become American citizens on this day.  To see a copy of Heinrich's actual naturalization paper click here.   To see a copy of Carl Christian's actual naturalization paper click here.
In 1863 Carl Christian ('Charles') and Auguste have their first child, a daughter they name Auguste.

In 1865 they have their second child, a daughter they name Louiza.

In 1866 Charles and Auguste have their third child- a boy they name Charles.

1867    On Saturday January 12, 1867, Henriette (ne'e Stier) Tewes  marries again- this time to George F.C. Albrecht. George F.C. Albrecht is the son of J.F.A. and Sophia Albrecht. George and Henriette were married in Waterford, Racine county by Edward Chr. Georgie of the Evang. Lutheran Church.  George F. C. Albrecht was born in Wandrem , Mecklenburg Germany in 1831, the same year that Henriette was born.

​On Monday May 6, 1867,  Carl Christian ('Charles') and Auguste have their fourth child- a daughter they name Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina would be called 'Mena' as a child , and 'Minnie' as she grew older.  Minnie would marry Charles Mather on January 8, 1895. 
 For more information about Wilhelmina and pictures of her, click here.

Photo above: Auguste D.E. ne'e Bucholz and Carl Christian 'Charles' Stier
Continued from the "From Germany " page of this website...

1856  June 30-
           July 19:  On June 30, 1856 Heinrich Jacob Stier , along with his daughters Henriette and Marie, and son                             Carl Christian, board the steamship HAMMONIA at a port in Hamburg Germany. The following                               day, July 1, 1856 the ship leaves port and is headed for New York-the Stiers are on their way to                             America! 18 days later, on July 19th , 1856 the Hammonia enters port in New York and the                                     Stiers are in America! This was the maiden voyage, or FIRST trans-Atlantic voyage for this ship.

1856-1858     :  The next record I found (does not mean there aren't others) indicate that the Stiers were in                                    Wisconsin in 1858. I did not find records that would indicate what they did or where they were                              between 1856 and 1858.

1860              :  The next conclusive record I have is the 1860 Census. The 1860 Census shows that by this time                            the Stier family lived in the Town of Rochester in Racine County. Racine County would be the                                main location of where they would live and farm for decades. By the time of the 1860 Census,                                Henriette did not live with them as she was married to a Mr. Tewes. Also by this time their names                          had become 'Americanized' as Heinrich is listed as Henry, Carl is called Charles (and Charley),                              and Marie is called Mary. The 1860 census is also the last record I find which refers to Mary                                  (Marie). I assume she must have married by the time of the 1870 Census, but I have not found                                any documentation that this was indeed the case, or to whom or when.
                                             To see the 1860 Census showing the Stier family, click here.

1861  July 28:  Carl Christian ('Charles') Stier marries Auguste D.E. Bucholz. Auguste was born in the                                            Mecklenburg region of Germany (as were the Stiers) on November 24, 1844 to parents Wilhelm                              and Caroline Bucholz who by this time lived in Waterford in Racine County with several other                                children. 'Charles' and Auguste were married by C.F. Goldamer of the Lutheran Church in the                                school house in Waterford. Auguste moves in with the Stier family.

To see a record of the Charles and Auguste's marriage click here America
1885   Sept 30: Heinrich Jacob (Henry) Stier dies at the age of 78. He was Carl's father and                   the original Stier to bring three of his children to America  from Germany in 1856. To see a very brief mention of Henrich's death in the newspaper, click here.

1897 Nov 25:  Mary Stier (daughter of Charles and Auguste) marries Charles E. Smith. Mary worked for Charles as a maid at a hotel he owned on Tichigan Lake. He divorced his wife in May of 1897 to marry Mary.  
For more about Mary Stier Smith click here.

1914   Jan 19:  Carl Christian ("Charles") Stier dies one month short of his 76th birthday. His cause of death was listed as cancer of the stomach. Charles was the boy who came over from Germany with his father and two sisters in 1856 and started our family here in Wisconsin. He is buried in  lot 132 at the Oakwood cemetery on Hwy 83 in Waterford. 
To see a Waterford newspaper article about his death click here.  To see a Burlington newspaper article about his death click here
Above: Auguste D.E. (ne'e Bucholz) Stier
1874   Oct 1 :  Charley and Auguste have their eighth child- a girl they name Christine Christiane Wilhelmina Stier. She would go by the name 'Christina' for her entire life. She was named after her baptismal 'sponsors'-Christine Bucholz, Christiane Bucholz, and Wilhelm Davis. For more info (and pictures) of Christina, click here
1875   Dec  5:  Christina is baptized.

1876              :  Charley and Auguste have their ninth child- a boy they name                                    Wilhelm J.F. Stier, commonly called Willie.

1878   June 3:  Charlie and Auguste have their tenth and final child- a boy they name George John Christian Stier.   This website has an entire page (section) devoted to George and his family.

1879   Feb 15:   Eight months after giving birth to George, Auguste D.E. (ne'e Bucholz) Stier dies at the age of 34. She had eleven children with Charles (one of whom died at birth). Her funeral was attended by the German Lutheran church on Tuesday, February 18, 1879. She is buried in lot # 157 of the Oakwood Cemetery on Hwy 83 in Waterford. Her headstone is so worn it is not readable and is broken in half.  
To see a brief mention of her death in the newspaper, click here.  To see the church record of Auguste's death click here. 

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

Above: Carl Christian ('Charles') Stier