Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

Some information about this site

This research (which originally began in the 1990s) into the Stair family history began when Hazel Bethke mentioned  that the Stair name had once been spelled differently. It inspired me to trace back the "Stair" name as far back as I could. While tracing the name, I'd be doing family history research at the same time. But tracing the name is primarily tracing the paternal, or male line back.  This history does touch on several female lines as well. While no family history can be absolutely complete, this one traced back the Stair name, followed where that lead, and then once back as far as reasonably possible, began working forward again. This history is by no means complete, it could use a lot of help. Anybody willing to invest time or information, let us know as we sure could use the help!

Thank you's for getting this website 'off the ground'

This website was made possible through a contribution from Ken and Mark Stair as a 'memorial' to their father Homer Stair. There is a special 'memorial' page on this website for Homer. If you have that special someone you would like a "special" page for, that's kind of how we are currently funding the site, through donations. Mark and Ken's donation will allow this site to be through 2018.

Thank you to Ron Stair for his passion for the Stair family history. Ron's 'persistence' really helped get this site off the ground. Ron continues to work very hard fostering the Stair family history efforts.

Thank you to Tim Dietrich and Mark Stair for making Sunday March 8, 2015, one of the best days of family history discovery in my 24 years of research. Our family history and this website are much better for your help - thank you both. You will (or have) seen those results as part of this website.

I never really did get a chance to thank Scott and Noreen Stair for actually visiting Siggelkow while they were in Germany.  Help for our family history doesn't get any better than that! 

Thank you to Dianne Smith and Donna Mather for their help researching our family's history. Dianne and Donna provided incredible information and photos that would never have been found without their help.

And a huge thank you to Bonnie Koehler. Bonnie's kindness and generosity of her time and her home have meant a lot to our family history research.  She currently resides at the original George Stair Mukwonago Farm, and has allowed us to tour and photograph the house and farm as you will see. 

I hope you enjoy this website.

UPDATE May 2016: Thanks to Lori Bennett, grand daughter of Ruby (Stair) Wendt, we have copied photos from Ruby's collection and added a Ruby page, and photos we did not have previously of Howard, Pearl, Josephine and more...thank you Lori !

The Spelling of the "Stair" name

The original spelling of the Stair name was 'Stier'. However you will see MANY spellings of the name through the historical documents that will be found on this site. The spellings on the historical documents include: Stier, Steers, Sears, Stair, Seers. The problem is that there were no computers for accuracy. People just wrote down what they heard (or thought they heard). The correct original spelling of the name was Stier as far back as I could trace it into the 1700's.



a Family History