
a Family History

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Christina and August had six children: Mabel Marie, James William, John Fritz, Francis, William Ott, and Christina (Christina died at birth).

James William married Julie May Knoll and they had nine children.

William Ott married Alice Elizabeth Smith and they had two children.
Above: August F. Ludwig
Christina married August F. Ludwig
Above: Christina (ne'e Stier) Ludwig
Above: A copy of Christine's baptismal record.
                     Christina died in 1952
1874   Oct 1 :  Charley and Auguste have their eighth child- a girl they name Christine Christiane Wilhelmina Stier. She would go by the name 'Christina' for her entire life. She was named after her baptismal 'sponsors'-Christine Bucholz, Christiane Bucholz, and Wilhelm Davis. 

1875   Dec  5:  Christina is baptized.
Above: Christina with her sisters. Christina is front row, right side.
       Christina (ne'e Stier) Ludwig