Above: A photograph of a class from the Waterford Graded School. My guess is this photo is approximately 1914 (plus or minus). Wilford Stair is standing in the back row fourth from the left. Irene Stair is standing also in the back row, seventh from the left in the striped dress. Their last name was spelled Stier at the time this photograph was taken. In this picture, Irene looks almost identical to how she looks in the previous photo.
Photo courtesy of the Waterford Public Library's Local History Digital Collection, http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI.WaterfordLocHist
Above: The Stier Sisters taken approx.1891
Front row (L to R): Auguste, Frederiecka, Christina
Back row (L to R): Mary, Louiza, Wilhelmina
(The daughters of Carl Christian ('Charles') Stier and Auguste D.E. ne'e Buchholz)
Frederiecka is the daughter of Charles' second wife
Above: George Stair Family taken in 1942
Front row (L to R) : Virginia, Josephine, George, Josephine
Middle row (L to R): Pearl, Dorothy, Irene, Hazel, Ruby
Back row (L to R): Lester, Francis, George, Homer, Howard, Wilford

a Family History

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

Above: George Stair Family in 1910

 from Left to right: Wilford, Irene, Josephine holding baby George, Dorothy and Ruby

Above: Carl Christian Stier. Born in Siggelkow Germany on February 22, 1838. Came to America in 1856. Married Auguste d.e. buchholz in 1861.

School photo taken Approx 1928-1932

One room schoolhouse NW corner of Hwys "I" and 83 in Mukwonago

This photo has Homer, Pearl, Howard, Virginia, Ruth, Helen, Harry and Harvey (see below)


Above: George Stair Family in 1913

From left to right: Wilford, Lester (on Wilford's lap), dorothy (with cat), Irene, george, francis (baby) on Ruby's lap. Just above Irene you can see their mom josephine through the screen door.

the steamship Hammonia which brought the stiers to america in 1856. The stiers were on this ship's very first voyage.

Above: Auguste D.E. Buchholz Stier. Wife of Carl Christian Stier.

The picture above is Auguste ne'e buchholz Stier and Carl Christian Stier. Carl came from germany with his father and two sisters in 1856.