
a Family History

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

Above, on the last four pages are the photos from the original photo album that the Stier family had on the farm with them in Racine County. So although it gives us some answers, we know who several of the people are: Carl Christian (Charles), Auguste, Wilhelmina, Mary, Louiza. This photo album obviously brings up many questions. Who are the others? Is Henriette, Carl's sister who came from Germany with him represented in here? What about Heinrich, Carl's father, is he represented in here? I am fairly certain some of Carl's sons are in here, but who is who? These are some of the many unanswered questions that still remain to be answered...
Above : Photo "JJ"
Above: Photo "II"
Above: Photo "HH"
Above: Photo "GG"
Above: Photo "FF"
Above: Photo "EE"
Above: Back of photo DD
Above: Back of photo CC
The remainder of the photographs from the album, were also taken in Germany. This does not mean these people came to America also, these could be pictures of relatives they brought with them:
Above Photos CC and DD are very interesting for many reasons. First they are the same two people from photos "D" and "Z".   Photo "D" was taken in Waterford, WI.  Photo "Z" was taken in Milwaukee,WI.  Photos CC and DD were taken in Rostock,Germany before these two people were ever in America! The back of their two photos are below and have much writing on them. Any clues you can find? Obviously they are numbered sequentially so they were taken at the same time. Rostock was the largest city in the area of Siggelkow. 
Above: Photo "DD"
Above: Photo "CC"
Above: Photo "BB"
Above: Photo "AA"
Above: Photo "Z"  
Note that these are the same two people as photo "D"
Above: Photo "Y"
Note that the background is the same background as photos "V" and "W"
Above: Photo "X"
Photos "V" and "W" above are the same persons as those in photos "S" and "T". 
Above: Photo "W"
Above: Photo "V"
The Stier Family Photo Album

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