
a Family History

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

Above: Wedding photo of Jacqueline (Keating) and John Collins
​Also in the picture: Far left is Carol Stair (Dietrich) , daughter of Lester and Helen. Next to her is Virginia Stair. The young boy standing next to Jacqueline is Ron Stair, son of Howard Stair

Above: Irene at 6 or 7 years of age.  At school in approximately 1913-1914. Irene is seventh from left standing in back row. She has a striped dress on. She appears to look very similar to herself in the previous picture . Her brother Wilford is also in this picture, also standing in the back row. He is fourth from the left.
ABOVE:  Irene in 1910 at three years of age (second from left).
L to R: Wilford, Irene, Josephine holding baby George, Dorothy and Ruby
Irene M. Stair was the third child of George and Josephine (Jacobson) Stair
Irene M. (Stair) Keating
Irene married Jack Keating. Irene and Jack had two children - Jacqueline and Jack.
Jacqueline married John Collins. Their wedding photo is below: 
l to r: Irene, Ruth Michaelis , ?
ABOVE: Irene at six years of age in 1913 - she is the tall girl in the middle in the white dress
ABOVE: George Stair family in 1913 in Waterford
L to R: Wilford, Lester (on Wilford's lap), Dorothy (with cat), Irene, George, Francis (baby) on Ruby's lap. Just above Irene you can see their mother, Josephine, looking though the screen door.