a Family History

Stair Family History © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

1. I'm pretty certain my family is related to those on this website, but I don't see us -where are we?
This website is not finished and will continue to grow and change. It has been published live online just so the information that has been entered can be shared. Also, the editors of this website might not have your family's information and pictures- if there is family info you would like to see as part of the website, forward it to: trstair@aol.com  with "family history" in the subject line. Please note not everything forwarded will be used, but all will be considered.

​2. What iS a special memorial page?

This website was initially funded by a generous donation for the Homer Stair Special Memorial Page. The donation will keep this website live through 2018. So currently, Special Memorial Pages are how this site is funded.  If you have a family member that you would like to see honored with a Special Memorial Page, the editors would be happy to accept a donation that will be used solely for the purpose of paying fees directly associated with the upkeep of the website, which includes domain name and website hosting.

3. How is the site fundeD?

See # 2, the site is funded strictly by donations, including donations for Special Memorial Pages. All donations go strictly to upkeep of the site, and the fees required to keep the site online.

